Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 2012 pay rise UTS

Your delegates distributed this flyer throughout UTS reminding staff of the importance of the Support Staff Enterprise Agreement for our conditions of employment.

Monday, May 7, 2012

CPSU-SPSF Submission to the ACTU Independent Inquiry Into Insecure Work in Australia

Howe Inquiry submissions surpass 500 as workers share their stories about insecure jobs

06 February, 2012 | Fact Sheet, Media ReleaseThe Howe Inquiry into insecure work in Australia has been swamped with more than 500 submissions, including around 450 from workers eager to tell their stories.

More than 100 of the submissions are now available online at, with more being added each day.

The submissions also include about 50 from community groups, unions, academics and other organisations.

ACTU President Ged Kearney said the response to the inquiry, chaired by former Deputy Prime Minister Brian Howe, had been overwhelming and showed the level of community interest in the issue.

“It is no understatement to say that the number and quality of submissions to this inquiry has exceeded our wildest expectations,” Ms Kearney said.

“The issue of insecure work has really struck a chord in the Australian community.

“Submissions range in length from a few sentences to hundreds of pages, but many of the most compelling are short stories from Australia workers about the impact insecure work has had on their lives. Many are heart-breaking.

Direct link to CPSU-SPSSF pdf file.

Or public document in google docs.

CPSU-SPSF Home page.

The link below is to the full report:

Lives on Hold: Unlocking the potential of Australia’s workforce

Woman sitting at table with drink in hand
21 May, 2012 | ReportThis is the report of the Independent Inquiry into Insecure Work which analyses the extent of casualisation now affecting 40% of the workforce, and sets out possible solutions. 

The Independent Inquiry into Insecure Work in Australia wasannounced on 24 October 2011. 

The inquiry accepted written submissions between 2 November 2011 and 20 January 2012. Hearings were held around Australia between 13 February 2012 and 22 March 2012. 

The case studies used throughout this report have been drawn from submissions made to the inquiry, witnesses who gave evidence to the hearings, and further interviews. In some cases, minor details have been changed to protect the anonymity of the case study at their request.