Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Super Unfair (via Unions NSW) Sign the petition!

Super Unfair

super infographic V4
The Abbott Government has announced the following changes to the taxation of superannuation:
  1. Increase the tax on superannuation paid by workers earning less than $37,000 from 0% to 15%
  2. Reduce the tax on superannuation paid by workers who earn over $300,000 from 30% to 15%
In effect Tony Abbott is taking from the lower paid workers, and giving to the higher paid workers.
The changes undo reforms introduced by the Labor Government to boost the retirement savings of low paid workers while ensuring the country’s top earners pay their fair share of tax.
Let Tony Abbott Know you won’t stand for this, Sign our Petition.Print out this paper petition and get your colleges to sign it.
Check out this handy info graphic for a quick over view of of the changes, or read on for a more detailed analysis.

Tracking The Damage

Unions NSW

The NSW Liberals have been in power since 26 March 2011. From that point, his Government has cut jobs, rights and services and governed for insurance companies and the big end of town.
This page monitors the record of the O’Farrell-Baird Government. It will be regularly updated. Most items have a link to a source for more information.
If we’ve missed something that’s happened in your local community, Email us by clicking here.
This page is based on Tracking Abbot’s Wreckage, a blog by ASU Secretary, Sally McManus. Check it out here.