Wednesday, November 28, 2012

NTEU Media release for public inquiry

National Tertiary Education Union

"The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) is calling for a public inquiry, following yesterday's fire and collapse of a construction crane at the University of Technology Sydney. "

“A small fire on the platform of the crane very quickly became an uncontrollable inferno. On the site below steel fixers continued to work. Workers from the site said they were instructed by their supervisor not to stop work. There was no evidence of an emergency system in place – no audible alert or siren and no evidence of an organised evacuation. Workers continued to stay on site even as fire brigade and emergency services arrived. It was truly horrifying.”

Additional information is being sought by Workcover.

WorkCover is seeking any information about the state of the crane prior to its collapse. This can be provided by contacting WorkCover on 13 10 50.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


English: UWS logo
English: UWS logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dissent at the University of Western Sydney has reached new heights with students and academics affected by course and staff changes engaged in an ongoing protest.
The university has proposed slashing courses offered across its campuses by up to a third.

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TAFE, Liverpool, Sydney
TAFE, Liverpool, Sydney (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I had the chance to attend the launch of some real research into what our Tafe System of public education is giving to us today and it is a worry that there is no relevant research being produced by the State Goverments in Australia who are now in the process of demolishing them by brutal cuts in Victory, NSW, & Queensland.
Valuing Skills

Updated research since this report:


 "Funding for TAFE has been substantially reduced despite their obligation to contribute to these social and economic objectives, while also acting as custodians for the provision of quality vocational education. If higher levels of funding and a more sustainable funding model for TAFE is not found, then the there is a very high likelihood that public confidence in the entire system of vocational qualifications will be fatally eroded."

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

From 9 days off to 8 is that really a win?

IMG_9141 By Preview_H. Flickr

 Last Friday we all received the follow email from Anne Dwyer stating that: 

I refer to the previous announcement to staff regarding Christmas leave (HR Director, 21 Sept)  which advised the University would close on 24th December and re-open on the 31st  December. This decision was taken to optimise the break period for staff when combining  the public holidays and the 3 University closure days and resulted in an uninterrupted break of 9 days.
As a courtesy, the University contacted both the CPSU and the NTEU to inform them of the changed arrangements for Christmas close-down.  I am advised that the CSPU, on behalf of its members, responded in support of this action.

The NTEU, however, held a different view and informed the University of a dispute in relation to the close-down arrangements.  The NTEU position is that the University should open on 24 December and close until 31st December, which provides a continuous closure period of 8 days.  The University had hoped the NTEU would be more flexible and prepared to consider alternative arrangements.  Regrettably that has not been the case and the University does not wish to expend further resources disputing the matter.

Accordingly, the University will amend the arrangements as follows:

Monday 24 December - University open (staff may take leave)

Tuesday 25 December - Tuesday 1 January (inclusive)-  University closed

Staff who have leave already approved over this period or who have already applied to take 31 December as a leave day will not be required to resubmit a leave application as the system will make the adjustment automatically. 

Staff who are planning their leave arrangements, but have not yet submitted their leave request will need to be mindful of the changed arrangements set out above.


Anne Dwyer

UTS CPSU AGM Notice 2012

Thinking Global Acting Local International Union Conference

One of the highlights of the conference was Danny's welcome and launch of the campaign for Nissan workers in Mississippi.

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