Thursday, January 7, 2016

Help Stop Cuts to Essential Health Care in Australia

Dear members

Over Christmas the Turnbull Government unleashed more cuts to Medicare when they thought no one was watching.  

Pap smears, blood and urine tests, X-rays, ultrasounds and MRIs will no longer be free if the Government gets its way.  But just like we have over the last two years – we can stop them.

As a nurse, I know how important these tests are. Pap smears help detect cancer. Blood and urine tests are a vital part of diagnosing problems before it’s too late. Ultrasounds are vital for pregnant women and MRIs & X-rays are essential to diagnose problems. They save people’s lives.

Yet the Turnbull Government, just like the Abbott Government, seems intent on destroying Medicare and Americanising our healthcare system. Australian Unions delivered Medicare for all Australians – its central purpose is to ensure that no matter who you are, or where you are from, you can access free quality health care.

Join with us to demand Prime Minister Turnbull act to reverse these cuts so these tests remain free. We made Tony Abbott back down on the Medicare co-payment twice. Let’s demand Prime Minister Turnbull do the same.

Sign the petition and spread it far and wide. Let’s make this an issue he cannot ignore.  
Australian Unions Team 
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Authorised by Dave Oliver, ACTU 365 Queen St, Melbourne 3000
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