Fair Work Commission cuts Sunday rates
Fair Work Commission cuts Sunday
rates – February 2017 (PDF version)After months of deliberation the Fair Work Commission has buckled to Government and employer submissions and slashed penalty rates for workers in the hospitality, retail and fast-food industries.
“Whilst this does not directly affect the Awards or Agreements our members are employed under, it may affect members of your families and substantially reduce their take-home pay,” says PSA General Secretary Stewart Little.
“We also must recognise that going after the penalty rates of some of Australia’s lowest-paid workers could be the first step of a co-ordinated attack by business and government on those of all industries, including ours.
“We have to be prepared for this. The PSA will be involved, and will require your support, in the fight ahead.”
According to the Australian Council of Trade Unions, some workers affected by today’s announcement will be out of pocket as much as $6000 per year, with no worker better off from this decision.
“That this news comes the same week that housing affordability and record low wage increases were discussed is wholly unacceptable,” says Stewart Little.“ It only serves to increase inequality by reducing the incomes of working-class people and lining the pockets of wealthy business owners.
“The great irony is that this announcement was not made by the Fair Work Commission on a Saturday or Sunday – because the Commissioners do not work weekends.
“There is no doubt the union movement must respond to this.”
The changes are as follows:
Hospitality Award
and part-time – Sunday
rate reduced from 175 per cent to 150 per centCasual Sunday – rate remains at 175 per cent
Fast Food Award
and part-time –
level one employees Sunday penalty rate reduced from 150 per cent to 125 per
centCasual – Sunday rate reduced from 175 per cent to 150 per cent
Level two and three employees – No change
Retail Award
and part-time – Sunday
Penalty rate reduced from 200 per cent to 150 per centCasual – Sunday night reduced from 200 per cent to 175 per cent
Pharmacy Award
Full-time and part-time – Sunday penalty rate reduced from 200 per cent to 150 per cent
Casual – Sunday rate reduced from 200 per cent to 175 per cent
What the Students think about the decision.