Dear CPSU members
A meeting was held today to update members on negotiations
for the UTS Professional Staff Agreement 2014.
Members were briefed on the current position of enterprise
bargaining by the bargaining team and PSA/CPSU Director of Industrial
Andrew Holland.
At the conclusion of the meeting CPSU members moved and
passed the following motion:
"This meeting of CPSU UTS Branch members congratulate
the CPSU UTS bargaining team for shifting the University to where we have an
acceptable offer on the table for professional staff. The meeting empowers the
bargaining team to endorse the final draft as long as it contains all agreed
After the bargaining team is satisfied that the final
document includes all agreed changes, we expect the university will put the
agreement to ballot. The final agreement needs to be made available to all
staff covered by it for a period of 7 days before voting can commence. This is
to allow staff time to read the document and to seek clarification/advice
on anything they are unsure of.
The CPSU bargaining team would like to thank members for
their input and patience during the bargaining process.
Yours in Union,
Rosa Bow
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