Friday, July 18, 2014

University of Sydney Convocation, on deregulation

As you know, this year’s federal budget included major changes to higher education that will affect how governments fund universities and how universities levy fees. In a word: deregulation.
The Government’s plans for higher education will be decided soon by parliament. If they pass, there will be less public funding available per student, and universities will be able to determine their own fees.
“Demand-driven” education is the American model – something that Nobel Prize-winning US economist Joe Stiglitz warned against. It will have serious effects, especially for students from low- and middle-income backgrounds.
Several fellows of the University of Sydney’s Senate – including Catriona Menzies-Pike, Verity Firth and Andrew West, elected by the alumni, and Patrick Massarani, elected by the undergraduates – are petitioning for a meeting of Convocation so deregulation can be debated thoroughly by the University community.
Convocation comprises all graduates and academic members. It is entirely within the by-laws and processes of the University and, as befits the seriousness of the issue and the status of the University, it is a solemn and respectful ceremony. There has not been such a meeting for 60 years. It will be a historic opportunity for staff and alumni to express their views to the Senate, the University administration and the nation’s parliament.
If the Chancellor agrees to convene Convocation, academic staff and alumni will gather on campus to debate the following motion:
That Convocation expresses its concern at the federal government’s proposed changes to higher education. We request the federal government restore the higher education funding cut in the 2014 budget. We further ask that the University of Sydney refrain from supporting fee deregulation, which will prevent or discourage potential students from seeking admission to the University because of an inability to meet or repay tuition costs.

If you are a University of Sydney graduate member or academic staff member, we invite you to print off and sign this letter to the Chancellor.
If you know of other University of Sydney graduates, please forward it on, distributing this email as widely as you can.

Please return the signatures by 25 July at the latest by mailing hard copies to GPO Box 3365, Sydney NSW 2001, or fax to 02 9262 1623 or email a scan to and we will work with the Sydney University PSA/CPSU members with organising the Convocation.

Authorised by Andrew Holland, Acting Assistant General Secretary, Public Service Association of NSW, 160 Clarence St Sydney 2000

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