Wednesday, December 7, 2016

PSA/CPSU Training for 2017

All members should be aware that they have trade union training leave available to attend any of these sessions.

Contact by email:

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Another 1.5% Payrise courtesy of your CPSU colleagues

Dear Colleague
The 1.5% pay rise in you're getting this month - the second this year - was achieved through the work of CPSU members at UTS, and the staff that the Union employs. The CPSU achieved this and previous pay rises after long negotiations for a collective agreement that delivered a range of key improvements in staff conditions of employment, such as:
  • Genuine 3% per annum pay increase.
  • Five days leave for victims of domestic violence
  • Extension of paid parental leave benefits to another carer if the birth mother is unable to care for the child.
  • Up to eight weeks concurrent parental leave now available for partners.
 At a national level, the government’s agenda for deregulation of Higher Education has been delayed but not abandoned. Senator Birmingham and Mr Turnbull remain committed to fee deregulation and creating a free market in higher education market, despite all the evidence demonstrating that this will not work. The outcome will be diminished standards, and a system where capacity to pay not merit will determine university and course choice. Our ongoing role as a union is to scrutinise any proposals and their potential impact and keep talking and lobbying the senators. The CPSU will continue to work with students and other organisations to oppose these unfair changes, and your support would be greatly welcomed.

Our current collective agreements expire next May. CPSU members will be campaigning for further improvements in pay and conditions. Our number one priority will be job security. We will seek improved casual and fixed term conversion provisions, more ongoing jobs and improved conditions for casual and fixed term contract staff. We will also seek fairer and more transparent performance review processes and the prohibition of forced redundancies in restructures.

Whether we are able to secure these provisions depends on how many UTS staff like you get on board and support the union’s work. Don’t leave your colleagues to carry that load on their own. For more information on how you can play your part, reply to this email or ph. 9514 9850.

Union fees cost are fully tax deductable. This salary increase alone delivers 1.5% and there is a total increase of 12.35% over the life of this Agreement.
If you have any questions about the CPSU UTS Branch, please contact us via  
  • Now more than ever it is vital for UTS Professional staff to join together to stand up for your rights, if you are not already a member join today
  • (
Kind regards,
Rosa Bow
Branch President
CPSU Union University Professional Staff
P: 9514 9850

For more information contact the CPSU UTS Branch. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

One reason our UTS Professional Staff Agreement matters

To understand just how important our Enterprise Agreement is at the University of Technology Sydney starts by looking at a comparison of the salary range in the Federal award that the professional staff would be covered under if we did not have our local enterprise agreement in place. 
Our agreement has another salary step for level 5 professional staff that the Federal award does not have.
There are other benefits in our agreement that help protect you as well that you will not find in the Federal Award.
If your not a member of the PSA/CPSU it may be a good time to seriously think about becoming a member to help us negotiate a better outcome for you in our next round of bargaining.

  • Now more than ever it is vital for UTS Professional staff to join together to stand up for your rights, if you are not already a member join today
  • (

HEW Level 5.5
Federal Award top of level 5 salary range.

HEW 1055                                   74,443
University of Technology Sydney Professional Staff Enterprise agreement top of step 5.5 our agreement also contains a further  step on this level.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Family comes first petition

Dear mark,

Even though we know that the best thing for babies is to have their parents at home with them during the early days, the Turnbull Government is once again pushing ahead with plans to cut the amount of paid time at home for new parents.  Tell Malcolm Turnbull that family comes first

Making sure every new family can give a child a good start in life is something employers and the government need to provide, together.

Current parental leave arrangements enhance child and maternal wellbeing and support parents until they are ready to go back to work. It underpins whatever employees obtain by negotiation with employers.

Government funded paid parental leave was introduced as a universal program – to be available to all families in Australia. It must stay that way.

Let’s all send a strong message to Malcolm Turnbull by signing the petition. Once you’ve signed it, please spread the word in your networks and share the petition with family and friends.

In unity,

Ged Kearney
ACTU President

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Friday, October 21, 2016


PSA Election Results 2016
RF indicates a Rank and File team member
General Secretary

Stewart Calder-Little      RF
 Sue Walsh

Assistant General Secretary

Troy Wright     RF
Steve Turner


Kylie McKelvie    RF
Mary Court

Vice President
Nicole Jess    RF
Wendy Hurry
Raymond Wilton

Central Council
Heather Shields  RF
Tracey King  RF
David Illingworth
Sue Walsh
Jodie Stubbs
Erin Mitchell   RF
Anne Gardiner
Jason Schnepf 
Wendy Jones
Judy Greenwood
Ian Tuit
Tina Cotton  RF
Cassandra Coleman
Kim De Govrik  RF
Jan Lyon
Shane Elliott  RF
Craig Jones
Julie Westacott RF
Steve Wallace
Kellie Bottrell
Shelley Odewahn  RF
Steve Turner
John Lievore  RF
Brook Down  RF
Leon Parissi
Joanne Nieass
Frank Kovic  RF
Greg Delprado
William Pinkstone
Caroline Heads  RF
Jason Charlton  RF
Brendan McMenamin RF
Michelle Bogatyrov
Greg Shaw 
David Halliday
Carmen Wells
Mary Court
Angela Field
Peter McGlynn
John Moratelli
Rachel Smoothy  RF
Natalie Howes  RF
Julie Griffiths
Sallyann Sullivan
Mark Hutchinson

Friday, June 3, 2016


I want to encourage everyone to participate in this election in our UTS Branch. You should have received your NEW ballot papers at your home address. 

Dear candidate,
Since the opening of the ballot, I have discovered errors in the candidate statement booklet that was mailed with three ballot papers, declaration envelope and a reply paid envelope.
As a result of this and to prevent any irregularity, I am taking the following actions under Section 193 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009:
• Post fresh ballot papers and a new candidate statement booklet to all eligible members not allocated to sub-branch1.
Extend closing date of the ballot to 6 July 2016
• Send the attached Notice to all eligible voters explaining what has occurred and
• Advise all candidates via email today about the actions I am proposing to take.
Please find attached copy of the Notice that will be sent with the fresh ballot material to all eligible members not allocated to Sub-branch 1 as above.
Please note that for the 312 members of the POA branch there is no change to the ballot as their candidate statement booklet has no errors.
That ballot will close on 22 June 2016 but will not be counted until 6 July 2016 along with all the others.
This Notice can be uploaded to your team website so members are aware they are not to send ballot material that has already been issued as this will be disregarded.
The colour of the ballot papers is not being altered so the how to vote material that may have been distributed to voters is still correct.
Noopur Madan | Returning Officer
Industrial & Commercial Elections | NSW State Office
Australian Electoral Commission

Please remember that your vote is important. I personally am voting with the rank and file team in the election there are other candidates but it is important to the strength of our union to take a look at a change of leadership in 2016.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Trump refuses to honor workers

Workers want a union but Trump refuses recognition at Las Vegas Hotel

In December 2015 a majority of employees at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas voted for union representation. Since then, the Trump Hotel has refused to honor the results, recognize the union and enter into negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement, instead filing legal challenges.

A federal officer recently recommended that the company's list of objections be "overruled in their entirety" and that the National Labor Relations Board certify the union. Trump lawyers are still challenging the election results.

The IUF-affiliated Unite Here has set up an online petition - CLICK HERE to send a message to Donald Trump telling him to honor the workers' vote, recognize the union and start negotiating.

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Help Stop Cuts to Essential Health Care in Australia

Dear members

Over Christmas the Turnbull Government unleashed more cuts to Medicare when they thought no one was watching.  

Pap smears, blood and urine tests, X-rays, ultrasounds and MRIs will no longer be free if the Government gets its way.  But just like we have over the last two years – we can stop them.

As a nurse, I know how important these tests are. Pap smears help detect cancer. Blood and urine tests are a vital part of diagnosing problems before it’s too late. Ultrasounds are vital for pregnant women and MRIs & X-rays are essential to diagnose problems. They save people’s lives.

Yet the Turnbull Government, just like the Abbott Government, seems intent on destroying Medicare and Americanising our healthcare system. Australian Unions delivered Medicare for all Australians – its central purpose is to ensure that no matter who you are, or where you are from, you can access free quality health care.

Join with us to demand Prime Minister Turnbull act to reverse these cuts so these tests remain free. We made Tony Abbott back down on the Medicare co-payment twice. Let’s demand Prime Minister Turnbull do the same.

Sign the petition and spread it far and wide. Let’s make this an issue he cannot ignore.  
Australian Unions Team 
Copyright © 2015 Australian Council of Trade Unions, All rights reserved.
Authorised by Dave Oliver, ACTU 365 Queen St, Melbourne 3000
Thanks for supporting one of our campaigns and asking to hear more about our work.
Our mailing address is:
Australian Council of Trade Unions
Level 6, 365 Queen Street
Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia

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