Monday, September 18, 2017

Australian workers $100 billion worse off

Dear Friend,

$100 billion.

That’s how much a new report this morning estimated would be lost from Australians' superannuation thanks to wage theft, wage freezes, reduced penalty rates and cancelled workplace agreements.

That’s $100 billion working people won’t have to draw on in their retirement, $100 billion we won’t have to invest in important job-creating infrastructure projects - like train stations and airports.

While we are fighting inequality by arguing we need to change the rules for working people so we get fair pay rises and secure jobs, the Turnbull Government is coming after working people, their unions and now your superannuation.

We told you last week about the new laws the government wants to introduce that will allow big business, the Minister, and even lobbyists to interfere in who can run a union, and thousands of you flooded the crossbench Senators with messages of support to block the bill. This bill has not been voted on yet, and your lobbying is making a difference, but there is more to do.

The government has also come up with a new plan to let the big banks get their hands on our super. Malcolm Turnbull is proposing new laws that open the door to the big banks. It is letting the fox into the hen house.

The Turnbull Government is stepping up their attacks on working people. They’re cutting wages through penalty rate cuts, trying to curtail the role of unions to deliver wage growth, and now they are attacking our retirement savings.

So we need you to hit up the crossbench again.

The message is clear. Australia needs a pay rise, not new laws that give big banks more power and make it harder for working people to improve their pay and conditions.

These bills could be voted on when Parliament comes back in four weeks’ time. So we have four weeks to tell key Senators to stop the attacks on working people, these bills need to go.

Senators for South Australia

Nick Xenophon
Stirling Griff
Skye Kakoschke-Moore

Lucy Gichuhi

Senator for Western Australia

Peter Georgiou

Senators for Queensland

Pauline Hanson

Malcolm Roberts

Senators for New South Wales

David Leyonhjelm

Brian Burston

Senator for Victoria

Derryn Hinch

Senator for Tasmania

Jacqui Lambie

In unity,

Sally McManus

ACTU Secretary

PS. We know sending messages to the crossbenchers on their social media accounts really works. They follow the comments closely, and sometimes they even respond personally.

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